1. Park Wastewater Treatment
We all know that a sustainable design requires meticulous research and planning because it will minimize costly maintenance and upgrade fees. Opened in August 2009, this water treatment in Ireland was designed as to not require upgrade over the next 25 years.
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2. Parks, Londonderry, Northern Ireland
It currently serves a population of 800 people with the capacity to potentially serve a population of 1087. Research was conducted to establish an expected customer base. I think considering for a growing population is crucial in creating any water supply system. Studies of various water usages -- agricultural, commercial, and industrial-- is also key. Each sector will have different needs.
3. County Londonderry
By surveying the conditions of the surrounding area and the history of the location we can build on the existing infrastructures.
4. rotating biological contactor
Since the pumping station is situated on a siphon on the side of the River Faughan, water flows through without pumping but with hydrostatic pressure. If we can utilize our surrounding like this wastewater plant, we can minimize the cost in transporting the water. By building treatment works in lower elevations the water will push through the filtration systems.
5. schematic diagram
As a secondary treatment rotating biological contactors (RBC) which consists of a series of rotating discs that expose the microorganisms to air and water to purify its organic compounds.
Another Project:
Desalination Project, San Diego. It will incorporate a 50 000ft solar power generation rooftop.
Image Sources
1. N.a.,"Park Wastewater Treatment Works," Water-Technology, 2009. http://www.water-technology.net/projects/Park_Wastewater_Trea/Park_Wastewater_Trea1.html, (accessed October 31, 2009, 10pm).
2. Tele Atlas, "Parks, Londonderry, Northern Ireland," Google Maps, 2009. http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=Park+Wastewater+Treatment+Works,+Londonderry,+Northern+Ireland&sll=54.820265,-7.471596&sspn=0.549101,0.693512&ie=UTF8&hq=Park+Wastewater+Treatment+Works,&hnear=Londonderry,+UK&ll=54.829172,-7.472076&spn=0.276864,0.583649&z=10, (accessed October 31, 2009, 11pm).
3. N.a., "County Londonderry," Trip Advisor, 2009. http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Tourism-g186481-County_Londonderry_Northern_Ireland-Vacations.html, (accessed October 31, 2009, 11pm).
4. N.a.,"rotating biological contactor," Water-Technology, 2009. http://www.water-technology.net/projects/Park_Wastewater_Trea/Park_Wastewater_Trea5.html, (accessed October 31, 2009, 10pm).
5. Taylor Kelley, "schematic diagram," MMA.Spring2009,WaterandEnergy, 2009. https://reich-chemistry.wikispaces.com/Taylor.Kelley.MMA.Spring2009.EnergyandWater, (accessed October 31, 2009, 11pm).
Information Source
N.a.,"Park Wastewater Treatment Works," Water-Technology, 2009. http://www.water-technology.net/projects/Park_Wastewater_Trea/, (accessed October 31, 2009, 11pm).
- Wendy Xu
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